As we all rush to the hustle and bustle of preparations for the Passover Seder, we must remain focus on the theme of tonight’s great event. We will spend many hours talking about freedom, and about the great gift we have of being free. Yet, this may be the most misunderstood, underappreciated, and unutilized gift that mankind has. How often do we say to ourselves, I would really like to pray daily, to put on Tefillin, to make a blessing before I eat any food, or keep Shabbos, BUT .... The minute we use that word BUT we have shown a certain degree of slavery, a certain lack of appreciation of freedom. We are like that person who would like to go on a diet, BUT … or the person who would like to stop smoking BUT … The message of Passover is that there is no BUT!!We can do it!!! If we find that strength to jut make that new start, make that break, and just start doing what we know we should, we will have absorbed the lesson of Passover and truly fulfilled what our Sages urge us to do by feeling that we ourselves have experienced becoming free by leaving Egypt.